5 Training Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Whether you’re just getting started with your fitness journey or have already been training for a while, it’s safe to say the goal for all is to build a good physique. There are no shortcuts to fitness and along the way we’ve all fallen prey to making mistakes. In this blog, I will point outContinue reading “5 Training Mistakes You Need To Avoid”

Low Confidence? Do These 3 Things!

“I love being unconfident,” said no one ever. We’ve all been there. Low confidence is a sinking feeling that takes you as its captive. In simple terms, it stinks but don’t worry. It may seem like a daunting task at first, but it’s fairly simple. Takes conscious effort? Yes – but if you came lookingContinue reading “Low Confidence? Do These 3 Things!”

5 Common Squat Mistakes (Relieve Lower Back Pain)

The squat is the most essential exercise you can do, whether you’re goal is athletic performance, aesthetics, or general health. It simply requires the concerted effort of a large number of muscles in your body, and a number of muscle imbalances to be corrected, in order to be performed at a high level. I struggled forContinue reading “5 Common Squat Mistakes (Relieve Lower Back Pain)”

Reminder: You’re a Work In Progress, Quit Beating Yourself Up

You know that feeling. You just screwed up. Your stomach drops. You curse yourself. Life sucks. Maybe you made an impulsive investment decision that lost you a bunch of money. Maybe you sent a weird text message to that girl you’re trying to meet up with and she stopped responding. Maybe you slipped up onContinue reading “Reminder: You’re a Work In Progress, Quit Beating Yourself Up”

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